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1:48 a.m. - 2007-11-29

we left each other at the free-way.
i made a move as the cars rushed
underneith us. i could not hear a
word you said. only the expression
on my face as you shook your head
and said goodbye. like i did some-
thing wrong that i thought was so
right or what i was suppose to do.
treating life like nothing was
happening cause everything was. all
too overwhelming. all at once. what
love. in someone elses eyes. i am
missing something vital. somethings
i can't see? all until that moment.
when it stopped working for me and
i got hooked. love is my little
secret. and i want it when the roles
reverse and i can take a lead. my
all i've got. i talked to ashley to-
night and we talked about darmha
and detachment and atache and
everything that happened today. so
many things we share. no matter where
we are. i can bounce things off of
her that i never thought i could
before. and it helps us both so
much. that i know it is not wrong. so
thank you. i left you at the lights
and i cried on the way down. confused
about my karma. but aware of our
oppositions and symetries. and i am growing and
that is the truth. so onward i go. up
another rung on the revolutionary
revolving door.


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